Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Weekend = Blue

Most people have blue Mondays. I think I had a blue weekend. This just wasn't my weekend....

First I started to get sick. You know how you just know you're gonna big sick in the next few days and you just can't do anything about it. Like that.

Then our fridge broke. First we thought it was just the freezer that had stopped working. So we moved all our frozen stuff to another freezer. But then later we realised it was the whole fridge. Too late, however, as all my food became infused with the lovely taste and smell of gas... Threw it all away!

That wasn't to be the end though...

Next our whole drain system blocked up. We have a French drain and so there is no easy way to unblock it. Have a shower and you find yourself knee deep in water by the time you're finished.

But it gets better...

Sunday night I wasn't feeling too good, with a pain in my shoulder. So I took 2 Myprodol and figured they'd knock me out till morning...


I lay in bed contemplating the ceiling. Completely unable to sleep. So I decided to read. I figured a few chapters of reading would make me sleepy enough to fall asleep...


05:30 Monday morning I finished my book... And just as the sun rose I fell asleep.

And there ended my blue weekend... [Insert creepy music here]

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