This week has seen long nights and lots of work. Since joining up with 3D-Outreach my work-load has increased rapidly. Most of the work involves the logistics of preparing ourselves for the outreach ministry to follow later. But I have not forgotten my true calling.
This week I had my first training experience. Chalkie is a missionary friend of mine from Operation Mobilisation (OM). He, himself will admit that he doesn't know a lot about computers. Recently, seeing the need for effective communication with his supporters and sponsors, he bought a new laptop. The laptop was all set up and configured for him by the OM IT staff, but he wasn't sure how to use it all. Especially confusing for him was the concepts of writing email while offline and then sending the email later when going online. With these difficulties he called me in to help him out. I spent an hour with him, teaching him the basics of offline emailing and helping him practice all he was learning.
It is really great to be able to serve like this. It is people like Chalkie whom I wish to help, to make their ministry more effective.
This week also saw me returning to the Papillon foundation for an update visit. They have now received their ICDL accreditation and will start their first course in the beginning of October. I went around just to verify that all the computers were ready to roll with the course. While at their premises I also spent some time fixing some of their other computer problems that had arisen since last I was their.
And the latenights? Well the Off-road Rescue Unit has been kept busy lately. In the last few weeks I have been involved in 3 searches, 2 of which made the newspapers. We searched for a 19 month old child who's father committed suicide (Baby was found safe at a church). Then another late night search for a missing man who was suspected of being hi-jacked. For this one we searched from Roodepoort all the way to the Carousel! And then 2 nights ago we pulled an all night search to find 20 teenager schoolgirls who went missing on a river rafting trip. All 20 girls, their 3 teachers and 1 guide were found just before sunrise. Cold, but unhurt.
I must say this latest search was the best I've been involved in. Involving excellent team-work, a team of about 12 vehicles, SAPS dog-unit members and water rescue all well coordinated to bring about a successful result! Our biggest and best rescue attempt yet.
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